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With the law of attraction, you ask the universe what you want by setting your intentions, visualize what you are trying to attract into your life, then you let it go. This is the pivotal moment many people forget. Once you ask, you don’t have to ask again unless what you want to attract changes. This is when it is essential that you start putting your trust in the universe to bring you what you desire.
The First Step to Trusting the Universe
This can be a hard pill to swallow, but you first need to understand that the life you are living now is one you manifested. Good or bad, you made your current circumstances a reality. This is the first part of trusting the universe; accepting that what you have in your life is what YOU made happen. It does not mean you can’t change it, in fact you can change anything and everything. But you first must come to terms with the reality, and understand how and why your life is the way it is. You are not unlucky, you are not cursed. You are the product of your own thoughts and feelings.
You Are Not in Control of the HOW
In the law of attraction, you are setting intentions and asking for what you want from the universe, but the rest is not up to you. You can’t control every little detail of the way your manifestation occurs in your life. You can’t bring a certain amount of money on a certain date, or guarantee that the series of events to lead to the love of your life will happen exactly how you want it. All you can do is ask for the end result of what you want, feel it as if you already have it, then put in your trust to the universe to handle the rest.
The Universe Has Your Back
Remember that the universe has your back! It wants you to be happy, it wants you to succeed, it wants you to have all that you desire. The only thing that is up to you is to first decide what it is you want, then ask the universe for it in the right way. Make sure you are using positive, present tense words, like “I am” or “I do” and leave out negative words that contradict what you want.