Law Of Attraction

Here’s Why Your Manifesting Efforts Aren’t Working

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You may understand the basics of law of attraction and how to manifest, but it is possible you are making some very minor mistakes that are making a little too difficult for the universe to understand what you are trying to attract. Here are some of the more common reasons you might be having a hard time manifesting.

You Have Low Vibrations

People often go through the motions to manifest, but never quite do because they don’t raise their vibrations. You are consistently giving off vibrations of energy to people, things, and the universe itself. If your vibrations are low, such as when you are in a bad mood, feel unlucky or unworthy, don’t give gratitude, or expect bad things to happen, then that is exactly what you are going to attract. The universe can’t help you manifest if your vibrations are this low.

You Aren’t Feeling Enough

Even if you think about what you want to manifest nearly all day, you still need to FEEL it. This is an extremely important part of manifesting and the law of attraction. Your thoughts are only the first step to asking for what you want. The reason visualization works is because it allows you to get into that moment where you have achieved what you desire, and actually feel it and experience as if it is already happening. This is what the universe can sense from you, this is what raises your vibrational energy.

You Haven’t Set Your Intentions

Ask the universe for what you want and set specific intentions! Make sure you are specific about what you are asking for. First think about what it is you truly desire right now, what you want out of life, what will bring you joy and contentment. Then, ask the universe for this desire, and set an intention that you will get it. Then you let it go, and trust in the universe to bring it to you in the perfect way and time.

You Aren’t Aligning Your Thoughts, Feelings, and Actions

If you are not aligning yourself with the universe, you aren’t going to be able to manifest very effectively. Remember that it is the combination of your thoughts and desires, your feelings, and your actions that bring you what you are trying to manifest. If you got a check in the mail today, but you never checked your mail or didn’t cash it, then you aren’t aligning with receiving money. This works for everything you are trying to manifest – make sure everything is aligning perfectly with the universe, and you will manifest what you want.

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