
Connecting With Nature To Aid You On Your Spiritual Journey

Connecting With Nature To Aid You On Your Spiritual Journey

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When you are on a spiritual journey, one thing you will notice is that you feel more drawn to things that are close to nature. You might stop wanting to eat meat, be drawn to spending more time outside, or start using things from the earth’s surface like crystals, herbs, and flowers. Whatever the case may be, connecting with nature while on a spiritual journey can be a really powerful thing and help you feel closer to the universe.

Benefits of Spending Time in Nature

You will notice that many people who start working on their spiritual growth spend a lot of time in nature or use items from nature. Why is that? Because mother earth helps you feel more connected to your own spirit and soul, and the universe itself. Here are some benefits of connecting and spending more time in nature while on a spiritual journey:

It quiets the mind – Nature really helps to clear and quiet the mind. Whether you have been feeling anxious lately or you simply want to meditate more on your spiritual journey, the peaceful calm you get when you are outside among the trees and birds and insects and grass is so healing.

It provides grounding – If you need a little grounding while on your spiritual journey, you need to go outside and put your feet on the earth. With your bare feet on dirt, grass, or stones, you feel connected with the universe and can ease stress, anxiety, and fears that might be blocking your spiritual channels.

Nature allows you to tap into your intuition – You might also find that the more time you spend in nature, the more intuitive you become. This is because there is less noise in the city or distractions at home. While you are in nature, things are calm and quiet. You can actually look within and find your natural intuitive instincts and learn how to listen to them.

Easy Ways to Connect with Nature

The good news is that it is really easy to connect with nature. You just need to find a spot near you where it is calm and safe, whether that is a local park, a forest or wooded area in your town, or even the garden right in your backyard. Others prefer areas like the mountains or the ocean when it comes to connecting with nature. 

Here are some things to do when you want to connect with nature while on a spiritual journey:

  1. Go on a mindful walk or hike
  2. Meditate while sitting outside in a quiet and calm place
  3. Spend time tending to your garden
  4. Do full or new moon rituals outside

Bring Nature Inside Your Home

If you live in the city and it isn’t easy to get outside, or you simply don’t have time to go to a nearby wooded area or park, then you can bring nature inside your home. In fact, this is a great tip for everyone, even if you do spend a lot of time outside. 

Consider starting a collection of indoor plants that you can tend to and soak up their natural beauty. This will also help to cleanse and detox the air and energy inside your home. You may also want to pick wildflowers to bring inside, or get a new flower bouquet every few weeks to bring home.

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