Law Of Attraction

Law of Attraction: How to Recognize Signs from the Universe

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As you begin manifesting, and using various methods in the law of attraction, you may get to a point where you are a little confused. The universe tends to send you signs in many different forms about the path you are on, helping you to see when what you manifested is coming true for you. If you are concerned about missing these signs, here are some thing to look for.

Look for Patterns in Everything You Come Across

If you want to look for signs for the universe, it helps to first know what you’re looking for. One way to see signs is in different patterns. This might be seeing the same symbol over and over again, like a peace sign or a certain shape, or you may see number sequence like 555 or 11:11 over and over again. Another thing people often notice is that they keep seeing the same kind of bird before something great happens.

Pay More Attention Outward

The reason people often miss signs from the universe is because they aren’t paying attention. Start noticing other things in the world, paying attention to everything around you. When you go outside to walk your dogs, notice any smells or sights you experience. Don’t just watch your dogs, but watch the birds in the sky, notice how tall the grass is, what sounds you might hear, what seems to be out of place or something you never noticed in that area before.

Not only will you often see signs in theses simple things, but it helps to open up your mind and make you a more observational person in general. This is a really important trait to have when you have to notice signs the universe may be sending you.

Listen to and Trust Your Intuition

Your intuition is telling you a lot, even when you aren’t listening. Do you ever just get this weird feeling? Maybe you suddenly start thinking about a person just before they call, or you have a song playing in your head before it plays on the radio.

Sometimes, when you meet someone, you have immediate good or bad feelings, or you get this overwhelming feeling of joy before going to an event. This is your intuition talking to you, sending you signals. The more pay attention to it, the more you can read your own intuition and listen to your gut. This can also be a powerful way the universe sends you important signs.

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