Intention Setting

How To Set Intentions And Why It’s Important In Manifesting

How To Set Intentions And Why It's Important In Manifesting

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Setting intentions allows you to describe not just what you want, but what you intend to do. With the law of attraction, you are asking the universe what you want, by saying what you are trying to attract and how you want things to go. It is similar to setting any intentions in your life, but you want to write them down as you would scripting – as if they have already happened. 

Why Set Intentions?

Let’s start by discussing why it is so important to set intentions when it comes to manifesting your desires. With intentions, you aren’t just thinking a random thought about what you might want, but you are specifically asking the universe for something you deeply desire. The intention takes it to the next level, where you have made the decision, asked the universe, and begin the process of manifesting it. Intentions are very powerful when they are done correctly.

Choose Different Types of Intentions

Remember that there are different ways to set intentions, including different times to do it. You might have daily intentions, weekly or monthly, or even longer than that, such as your yearly intentions. Try first with simple daily intentions. Think about what you need to get done today, not the meaningless tasks, but the tasks that get you closer to your goals. Write down your intentions, visualize yourself completing them, and then go on with your day. 

You can try this whenever you have new intentions, whether it is something for the week, the month, what you want to manifest this year, really anything you can think of that you want to attract in your life.

Think About What You’re Manifesting

When you are beginning to write out your intentions, you want to do so in a scripting method – where it is in the present tense. Write about it as if it has already happened. Try to visualize what you are trying to manifest when writing them down.

First, write down what you want to manifest. Just one word or phrase that describes what it is. Then close your eyes, and visualize having that thing. It could be money, wealth, status, fame, a house or car, a relationship, a big group of friends, or traveling to a dream destination. 

With it in your mind, open your eyes and set your intentions. Write down in a journal what your dream was, in vivid detail, with as much feeling and emotion as you can muster.

Be Specific

Intentions are short, but also specific. Don’t use generalizations, but say exactly what your intentions are. This can be in list form, scripting, or in the form of affirmations that you repeat to yourself every day.

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