
How To Get In Alignment For Manifesting Your Intentions

How To Get In Alignment For Manifesting Your Intentions

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Everything in your life, what you feel, what you see, what you eat and drink, the people you talk to, the pets you love, all have vibrations of energy. High vibrations attract more high vibrations, and low vibrations attract more low vibrations. If you feel high vibrational energy, where you are happy, light, and go about your life knowing everything is working out, you are in alignment with the universe. Things in your life are going as they are meant to. 

But what if you are out of alignment? That is what we want to help you with.

Signs You Are Not in Alignment

Not sure that you are currently in alignment with the universe? Here are some signs that you need to better align with what you want:

You don’t have gratitude for what you already have. Manifesting anything in your life begins with gratitude. You already have so many blessings in your life, no matter who you are or what life you are living. Be grateful for what you have each and every day, thanking the universe continuously.

You have mostly negative thoughts. Do you find that most of your thoughts and feelings are negative? When you journal, pay attention to your mood and your mindset. If everything you write about is a rant or vent, then that is definitely lowering your vibration.

Bad things keep happening to you. Do you ever say you are just unlucky and feel like no matter what you do, bad things always keep happening? What if someone told you that YOU were the reason this keeps happening? Remember like attracts like – if you want to be in alignment, you have to let this go, and instead focus on what you WANT out of life.

You feel lost or confused about your purpose. Sometimes, your vibrational energy gets low because you are a little lost. You don’t know what you want or what direction to go in next. This might be a sign that it is time for some self-reflection.

What You Can Do About it

Now that you know whether or not you are in alignment, here are some tips for balancing out your thoughts, desires, feelings, and actions so the universe knows what you are trying to attract:

Live As If. Start by living as if what you want has already happened. If you want to lose weight and get your ideal body, think how you would live if you already lost the weight. How would your daily life be different? What would you eat? What activities would you do? 

Express Gratitude. Be thankful to the universe, to the blessings in your life, and the people and pets who bring you joy. Do this often. 

Be in the Moment. Try to be more mindful of your life and your experiences. Don’t just think about what you are trying to manifest, but enjoy your life right now. This goes far with raising your vibration and aligning with the universe.

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