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Whether you are a spiritual person or not, you pick up the energies of people around you. The more people who you communicate with, the more complex these energies are going to be. If you are someone who is empathic or an energy healer (even subconsciously), the energy is going to affect you a lot mor than the average person.
If you have ever been irritated, angry, or sad and can’t figure out why, it might not have anything to do with you. It could be that you are absorbing someone else’s energy, and aren’t able to separate it from your own. This makes it essential that you cleanse your aura of other people’s energies on a regular basis.
Here are some different ways you can cleanse your energy and balance out your chakras at the same time.
Grounding and Sunlight
You might know that grounding and earthing brings you a lot of amazing benefits, but did you know you can us it during your spiritual practice to help cleanse your energy?
Just being outside in the sunlight and enjoying the warmth on your skin with your bare feet on the ground can cleanse negative energy from your body and bring in positive energy. If you aren’t able to take your shoes off and stand on the earth’s natural surface, that’s okay! You can at least enjoy that warm from the sunshine and feel its effects.
From getting a natural source of vitamin D from the sun’s UV rays, to feeling like the sun is cleansing your body and soul, it doesn’t get much more amazing than this.
To use it as a spiritual practice, set your intentions for what you want the sunlight and grounding to do for you. Before you go outside, talk to your spirits and let them know you intend for the pure light of the sunlight to cleanse your body and soul of all negative energies.
You can even set an intention for the sun to cleanse your body every time you are outside and can feel its warmth. Imagine the light flowing through your body and pushing out all dark energy.
Use Crystals
While crystals can be set with any intention you want for them, there are definitely some that have natural properties to help with protection and cleansing your energy. Some of the best crystals to use are:
- Selenite * Amethyst * Black obsidian * Black tourmaline * Citrine
You can of course use others, but these are some amazing ones to start with. The way you use the crystals is up to you, from placing them under your pillow to ward off energies from your nightmares, to holding onto the crystals to help cleanse your aura.
Smudge Your Space
If you are in need of a cleansed space, such as your altar, your bedroom, or even your office, then you can use smudging. This is done with smudging sticks, like sage bundles or palo santo. All you do is light one end of it, then it will quickly go out, so it isn’t like a continuous flame from a wick candle.
Once it is lit, you can give it a few seconds to start creating a small trail of smoke, then move it around the room where you need the cleansing. For smudging, it is always a good idea to talk to your spirits and set intentions that you are clearing the space.
This can be done for so many things, such as cleansing your bathroom before a spiritual bath, cleansing crystals and tarot decks on a routine basis, or cleansing your home if you had someone create drama or other types of negative energy.
If you ever feel like you are overwhelmed with emotions and feel like it is someone else’s emotions that affected you and not your own, use a smudge stick near your physical body and it should work really well to rid you of that negative energy.
Cleanse With Sound
For some people, sound works the best. Sound is often used for daily tarot reading and before beginning a meditative practice. With sound, you are creating different vibrations that can clear away any stagnant energy you have in your home or your space.
While you can use anything you want for sound cleansing, some of the best are:
- Singing bowls * Wind chimes * Bells
Take a Spiritual Bath
Water is a naturally cleansing element, so of course it can help rid you of negative energy. Just being in a body of water, like the ocean, lake, or your own swimming pool can feel cleansing. The same can be said of taking a spiritual bath, though you can definitely kick it up a spiritual notch by adding some other items to your bath.
If you want to take a spiritual bath specifically to cleanse your energy, consider adding some crystals, essential oils and herbs, sage bundles for smudging, and maybe some soft music to help you relax and get into more of a meditative state.