Law Of Attraction

The Importance of Releasing and Letting Go

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We have been spending some time talking about the law of attraction in order to help manifest anything you desire into your life. You can manifest whatever you want, including a career and money, your dream car, even the love of your life. It starts with asking the universe what you want, visualizing it, and then letting it go. This releasing is a really important step that you don’t want to miss.

Releasing Isn’t Giving Up

The first thing to understand is that by releasing and letting go, you are not giving up on what you want. Instead, you are putting your trust in the universe to bring what you want to manifest. This means you let go of any attachments you have to this thing, and you decide not to try and control the outcome or the process.

When you understand that you are not in control how or when you will attract what you are asking the universe for, it is a lot easier to let it go. The less you try to control, the more positive your mindset is as you are not stressing about the lack every single day by not having it yet.

Why Do You Need to Let Go?

Why is this so important? Because you are telling the universe that you are putting it in its hands, and you are taking your hands off the metaphorical steering wheel. Think about it this way – if you really want to attract love into your life, and you are so focused on the fact that you want love, you are thinking that you don’t have it now.

This is what the universe hears – your worries and concerns over NOT having it. Instead, when you think about it, think that you already have love. That you accept love is coming to you. Live your life and pay attention to signs that love is coming, but don’t stress or try to force it.

Tips for Releasing Your Desires to Attract Them

Here are some ways to help release and let go once you have asked the universe for what you want and set clear intentions.

Use affirmations about letting go. Write down what you want, then write an affirmation saying you are trusting the universe to bring it to you.

Ask for what you want in your journal just once. You don’t need to write down what you want every day for it to come to you. All you have to do is ask the universe for it once, visualize it, and really be positive and trusting in the universe to bring it to you.

Write down what you want, put it in an envelope, and put it in a manifestation box. These boxes are great because they hold all your manifestations, but they provide a way to keep them in a place outside your mind where you aren’t thinking about them every second.

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