Law Of Attraction

Manifestation: How to Effectively Use Visualization to Reach Your Goals

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Most people have goals and dreams they want to achieve one day, but what keeps some people from achieving them is inaction. To have action and the motivation to get started, you need to know how you feel about these dreams, and really be able to see them. This is where visualization comes in.

What is Visualization?

Visualization is a way to describe seeing something in your mind of what you want to happen. This can be a visualization of anything, from your dream body to a place you want to live or a home you want to buy some day.

The reason this works is because your subconscious doesn’t know the difference between what has actually happened or what you are hoping will happen. The more you can visualize and feel what you hope to manifest into your life, the more the universe will follow suit and bring it to you with action.

Identify and Know What You Want

Before you can start working on visualizations, you need to become clear on what you want in life and what you are hoping to achieve. Get out a journal or notebook and just start writing down what comes to your mind first. What would be the ideal life, job, or relationship? What do you want to improve about your life? What would make you happy and feel fulfilled and successful?

Narrow this down into the things that make you feel the most excited and use those as your life goals.

Visualize How it Looks and Feels

Once you have figured out exactly what you want, you can start working on your visualizations. The ultimate goal is to get to how it would make you feel, but it helps to visualize how it would look first.

Create a vision in your mind of what achieving that goal would look like. This might be you in a happy relationship, moving to your dream home, getting more fit in your body, learning a new skill, owning your own business, really anything you can think of.

Once you can see it in your mind, start tapping into your emotions and how it would FEEL to achieve it.

Create a Tool to Use for Visualization

If you are struggling to hold on to your visualizations, there are a few different tools that can help. The first is by using a vision board. This helps because you can look at it any time you need a reminder of what you are trying to achieve. Keep it near the place where you will work on your visualizations.

Some people also like to use music. You want to choose music that creates the emotion you visualize for what you hope to achieve. Other people like guided meditations in order to use for visualization.

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