
How To Create a One-Minute Meditation Practice

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Whether you are brand new to meditation or you simply have a busy schedule, cutting down meditation practices to a minute or so is perfect. This allows you to practice on a regular basis without a big time commitment. Here are some ways to do a one-minute meditation practice.

Find Your Meditation Space

Before you start with meditation, even for a short meditation session that isn’t more than a minute or so long, you need a good place to practice. You don’t necessarily need an entire room with a door you can shut, but this is definitely helpful. When choosing the area for meditation, just make sure you can sit and relax, open up your mind without distractions, and not have to worry about anything in the environment, from sounds to smells. This might be sitting on your bed, sitting at the kitchen table, or on a sofa in the family room.

Get Ready with these Helpful Tools

There are also some tools that can be really useful when you are starting a short meditation practice. If you have a few extra minutes, grab some crystals like quartz or amethyst that you can hold in your hand, turn on some relaxing music, or light a candle next to you. These simple tools really do make a big difference in helping you to relax for a shorter meditation session.

Doing Your One-Minute Practice

By this point, you should be ready to get started with your meditation practice. Get into your meditation spot and allow yourself a few minutes to relax. This means lighting a candle and turning on music for some people, while others like to just take a few minutes for their regular breathing exercise.

Start breathing in and out, focusing on your body as you do so. Inhale a deep breath and feel how your body and diaphragm moves and changes when inhaling. Now notice how it feels different when you exhale and let that breath out. Try breathing in through your nose and breathing out through your mouth, doing this as long as needed until you start to feel relaxed and when you are focusing more on your breathing than on your thoughts.

Set a timer for one or two minutes, just focusing on your breathing and closing your eyes, trying to clear out your mind and find ultimate relaxation. This is a very short practice that is going to help focus on your breathing more than anything else.

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