
How to Choose Your Manifesting Routine

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Manifesting is a big part of your spiritual growth and your spiritual routine, since it is the way you connect with the universe and ask for what it is you want. You can combine it with other spiritual practices, or just focus on manifesting for now.

The great thing is there are many different methods to choose from, each of which is very simple to do. If you’re not sure how it fits into your routine, here are some things to consider.

How Much Time Do You Have?

An easy way to figure out what manifestation method to use and how to fit it into your routine is to consider how much time you have for it. While not all manifesting is done every day, it does help to have a general idea of what time of day is best for you.

When do you tend to have a little more free time? Think of when you often scroll Instagram on your phone or are bored and watch Netflix. These are signs that it is a time of day when you don’t have a lot of other obligations. This can be the part of your daily routine when you have some time for manifesting.

Manifesting doesn’t require hours of your day. Most methods can be done in 10-15 minutes, but if you have to have a regular routine, setting the intention of when you will have your manifestation practice is a good place to start.

It is also good to consider your time for manifesting since some methods take longer than others.

What Methods Have You Tried Before?

When creating your manifesting routine, it is a good idea to consider what methods you have used before, and whether or not you felt connected to them. Don’t think too much about whether they “worked” or not, since it’s possible divine timing hasn’t happened yet.

The most important thing is whether you felt connected to it or not. Did you enjoy doing it or dread it? Did you feel more inspired or less? Did that manifestation method give you goosebumps or did you feel nothing at all?

There are bound to be some methods where you can actually feel your vibrations rising. You suddenly get almost a sense of adrenaline, or you feel those butterflies in your stomach. Maybe you are scripting and suddenly get so excited about the visualization you almost feel like it is already happening. This is what you want!

Make a list of any methods of manifestation you have tried, and write down notes about whether you would like to continue with that one or not.

Theses might include:
  • Scripting Visualization
  • Vision board
  • 555 method
  • 369 method
  • 2 cup method
How Often Do You Want to Manifest?

This is another important factor that goes into your manifesting routine. You definitely don’t have to do it every day, in fact, most people would advise you not to. One of the most vital things about the law of attraction is that once you set your intentions, you need to let it go. The detachment will allow you to not constantly think about the lack of not having that manifestation in your life yet.

However, there are some manifestations where you feel more connected to them and inspired to take action if you use certain methods on a regular basis. This is when it is good to consider how often you want to try them, and how they fit into your routine.

What Are You Trying to Manifest?

It might also make a difference with what you are hoping to manifest. For example, if you are trying to manifest something like improved self-confidence or self-love, a method that uses affirmations works best. This might include the 555 method or 369 method, where you write the same affirmation every day.

On the other hand, methods like scripting, are good for manifesting abundance and something where you can visualize achieving it, like a relationship with a specific type of person. Then for one thing very specific, like your dream car, you might prefer the 2-cup method.

Why does this matter? The 2-cup method is usually done just one time to set your manifestation, while using affirmations is going to be daily at least until you’re finished with it. Consider how much time you have in your schedule and what you want to manifest when you pare putting together your manifesting routine.

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