Reiki Healing

Reiki Healing: Hand Positions to Know About

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When you are thinking about reiki, you may be thinking that you can only participate if you go to a certified reiki specialist or therapist. There are some reiki self-healing options that can be done as well. One of these options is to use healing hand positions. If you don’t know what these are or how to do them, here are a few healing hand positions to consider and what to know about each one.

Crown, Third Eye, and Throat Positions

When you are performing reiki on yourself or on another individual, you will likely start at the end or crown chakra. The healing hand movements start with place your hands, palms down, over the eyes, Gently cover the eyes with your fingers in a slight arch, cupping over the eye area. You then move your hands to the area over the temples and cup your hands over the temples gently. The hands then move in the same cupped like position to the back of the neck and then around to the throat where they lay gently on the throat. Be careful during this process to not press down or make it difficult to breathe.

Heart and Naval Positions

When you are ready to move onto the heart and naval positions, you will still keep your hands cupped in the same fashion as you did with the previous three chakra points. Keep in mind you are moving through these steps slowly. Do not rush. Meditate on the energy flowing from you and into your hands with a final destination being in the body. Take your time. Place one hand between the breasts over the heart in a horizontal position. The other hand should be placed in a vertical position just over the first hand. When you move to the naval chakra, both hands will be horizontal with the fingertips of one hand touching the base of the palm and wrist of the other. This starts below the breast line and moves down until you reach the sacral and root positions.

Sacral and Root Positions

The hands stay in the same horizontal aligned position as they do with the naval position. This is done until you reach the legs. The hands then stack so one is on top of the other moving down each leg individually. When your hands reach the feet, they will then massage over the feet individually in the same manner.

These are just a few of the positions and what you should know about each one for self-healing. If you aren’t sure which ones may work for you, or if you are doing them correctly, consider meeting with a reiki therapist. They can show you some of the self-healing options to do between visits and how to do them properly.

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